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Kwant partners with MachineQ -

July 20, 2021
4 min read
Kwant partners with MachineQ -

Kwant is  proud to announce that MachineQ has joined our partnership. We are the first company to bring LoRaWAN™ to construction.

MachineQ comcast company is an IoT network service and platform that uses Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology based on the globally-adopted LoRaWAN™ protocol to build and deploy solutions for businesses and municipal organizations.

Kwant set out to help construction companies reduce workplace injuries with a sophisticated solution that provides actionable intelligence around worker allocation and safety across a wide and constantly changing geographic region.

Nearly 40% of worksite fatalities are the result of a fall. Getting first responders to the injured worker quickly can be the difference between life and death

Leveraging MachineQ's LoRaWAN® network to validate and encrypt critical sensor data and seamlessly transport it to the cloud, Kwant and MachineQ form a partnership.

With this leverage from MachineQ’s  LoRaWAN® network, Kwant enables their clients to remotely monitor workers and ensure job site safety with automated emergency response notifications.

Read how Permira Construction increased productivity by 7% and decreased safety incidents using the powerful features such as

  • Long battery life of 3+ years
  • Wireless and low infrastructure ( without wifi)
  • Non-GPS
  • Real time alerts and data visualization

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