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Kwant: Building Trust & Security in Construction Data

August 22, 2022
3 min
 Kwant: Building Trust & Security in Construction Data

As we all are aware, the construction industry is facing a digital transformation. As manual processes become automated and photos, schedules, man hours, drawings, and countless RFI’s are processed, the amount of data being generated is equally as much.

The amount of work getting done through Kwant is very impressive with over 50k+ connected workers, 16M+ work hours automated, 18M+ scheduled activities, and 82K+ client safety data processed. 

Kwant understands the responsibility and trust that comes with managing data on the cloud and security is a top priority for the team. We invest heavily on security efforts and best practices to ensure our customer’s data is safe, secure, and private.

The security investment is not a cost we pass along with our customers. Our customers will never pay for safety, it is part of our valuable commitment to provide the best experience for our customers and industry.

The Kwant team would like to share a few measures we take to ensure data remains safe, secure, and private so you can create in confidence. We have formalized the Kwant Information Security Program around four main frameworks.

  • NIST Cybersecurity
  • NIST Risk Management
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

To prove and utilize the effectiveness of our program, we work with third-party partners, auditors, and vendors to verify against industry standards. We continuously look for improvements to our process.

Kwant believes privacy is a human right and will fight for that cause. In the event of data collection from Kwant we have laid out a few notes to highlight as data begins to grow.

  • Data-type is collected on your terms
  • Data is anonymized
  • No off-site data is collected
  • Data is always encrypted
  • Routine security tests & updates

As information security evolves, Kwant is dedicated to meet threats head-on for our customers. You can read more details about security on our privacy page.

We have the utmost respect for construction professionals. Your crews are working in challenging environments and safety is necessary both physically and digitally. Using the Kwant heatmap feature, you can filter by company or crew level information and hide any location or time/data related to an individual workforce.

The goal is not to penalize any individual workforce but to understand the dynamics of the construction process using advanced technologies to accelerate the industry.

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