Company news

New Platform Design Updates - Workforce Onboarding & Management

October 6, 2022
2 min
New Platform Design Updates - Workforce Onboarding & Management

Great news! The Kwant Team has been working hard to bring you a sleek new platform interface packed with features that will help simplify workforce onboarding.

The new platform design updates revolve around the worker onboarding process and builds around the workflow toward a simpler hiring process.

As the search and hiring of skilled tradespersons continue, the need to centralize and support our workforce is ever more.  The new design and features will roll out within the next few weeks. They are as follows: 

Platform Highlights:

  • Store & track unlimited worker certifications & licenses
  • More custom fields
  • Customizable page views
  • Simpler navigation
  • Custom workforce filter view options 

Workforce Onboarding Highlights:

  • Add safety & training videos
  • Create custom worker questionnaires
  • Simple app for worker onboarding using QR code (send it or you can register workers)
  • Collect agreements & necessary jobsite documents

New Page Designs:

  • New sidebar
  • New employee page
  • New employee details view
  • New column customization view
  • New custom filter view
  • New add employee view
  • New mass sms alert view

side bar
New platform sidebar
employee management page
New Employee manager page

add employee
New "add employee" page

hold certifications
New employee certifications view

To learn more about the recent updates, visit our support site

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