
5 Premium benefits of access control systems for construction sites

June 19, 2022
5 min
5 Premium benefits of access control systems for construction sites

Access control systems can be simple or complex. They are electronic access systems that facilitate automated approval for authorized workforces or personnel within a specific area or building.

In the past, access control systems were very simple and not scalable, especially when you have thousands of workers on a jobsite coming from different entrances or locations.

Leaders have struggled in the past to manage certifications of their workforce, notify workers when they need to recertify, or even gate access control so everyone on the jobsite is approved and safe. As 2023 approaches, access control has been a hot topic for more reasons than one. Let’s dive in.

  1. Touchless access control - no more keys
  1. Remote management - know who is on-site without being there
  1. Reporting and analytics  
  1. Authentify employees - increasing security for sensitive areas
  1. Real-time alerts and audits

1) Touchless access control - no more keys

The world is moving toward touchless technology at an alarming rate. Now, a touchless automated access control system is a must for any building or business location.

Not only are touchless access control systems better for everyone's hygiene, it evolves into a better culture and environment for employees of all trades. 

Touchless technology has many advantages like less wear and tear on the hardware or maintenance, but a true benefit to a touchless access control system is the use of digitizing your experience to improve productivity across a construction site. 

2) Remote management - know who is on-site without being there

Remote management is a crucial part of any job now. More technology is developing by the day that supports remote management techniques.

How can one or two people track a huge location? Traditional methods revolved around walking the site location, but doing that every day will just waste time and money.

Remote access and security management allow organizations to be flexible when on-site without bothering employees. Managing multiple locations in one place is no simple task, but with access control systems in 2022, that challenge is becoming easier. 

3) Reporting and analytics

When hardware and software merge, data is king. Companies build this data that is growing by the day to make smarter decisions moving forward.

When you know what is happening across buildings, rooms, or locations cannot be achieved without digital transparency. Knowing who is onsite and who isn't is a very valuable asset to track. 

When you mesh ai-based technology in the mix, you get predictive patterns and actionable insights across the organization. Making processing, reporting, and building analytics easier.

Traditionally, a lot of manual work is put into research and the art of building analytics to make better decisions. In this day and age, we can work smarter, not harder when it comes to building reports and analytics.

Knowing when certifications expire or when an employee should not be in a specific location are valuable benefits to an access control system.

4) Authentify employees - improving security for sensitive areas

As we mentioned above, knowing who is on the jobsite at any time of the day is very important. Not only for awareness purposes but for the protection of everyone at the location.

Access control helps increase security and improve the experience of everyone at the location by 10x. There are some areas where your team may not need to be and other areas where they should be.

With an access control system, companies can notify employees and alert whoever is in charge when there is a re-certification necessary for an employee. 

Another example of ways access control systems complement proactive security methods is that on a construction site, for example, there is a lot of movement happening.

Trucks driving, machinery churning, hammers swinging, and equipment hanging, the picture is that some locations can be dangerous, so having the right personnel on site is very important for everyone's physical safety. This is a proactive security approach that is being adopted around the world. 

5) Real-time alerts and audits

The benefits of access control systems are long and wide, but real-time alerts and audits are a huge perk for providing safety on a jobsite. With a modern access control system, construction professionals are able to audit and review events, access attempts, errors, or even certification expiring notifications to re-certify.

When managing large-scale projects with thousands of workers, this process was manual and very time consuming, taking up roughly 20 hours a week just off logging of pen and paper. 

Many construction companies are utilizing real-time alerts and internal audits from access control systems because right when an event occurs, a notification in real-time will alert the right personnel to address the issue.

Real-time alerts and audits also allow construction companies a chance to manage thousands of employee certifications like OSHA, SST, or training certifications, in one place. That way, management can alert workers when their certifications have expired when they enter a jobsite.

Key takeaways - Partnering with the right provider 

As we head into the future, digital transformation is a necessary component toward fulfilling a smooth workflow process for everyone. Construction companies need to be adaptable to their work environment, and access control systems need to complement that environment to support proactive safety and productivity.

With large-scale projects and jobsites, it is very difficult to manage thousands of workforces, let alone track and notify worker recertifications when the time is necessary. Finding new ways to safeguard your jobsites will define a company’s approach to a safe and productive work environment. 

Kwant specializes in safety and productivity, supporting construction companies with access control systems that are flexible to any work environment. Ensure approved personnel on the jobsite by integrating with any turnstile or security system while still being able to manage thousands of workers. 

With Kwant access control systems, you gain touchless access control, remote management, reporting, analytics, employee authentication, certification management, real-time alerts, and audits.

See a demo for access control today.

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