
How to streamline onboarding & safety orientation -

March 23, 2023
6 min
How to streamline onboarding & safety orientation -

So much activity happens throughout a construction site, it can be hard to monitor everyone and everything that’s going on. Construction companies can enhance their safety culture and environment through a few solutions on the market.

There are access control systems, turnstiles, and fenced perimeters, which are traditional methods to secure a construction site, but there’s another solution that can support and enhance safety on a jobsite.

Digital onboarding & safety orientation for our workforce, is here to support process-driven success when times are busy.

There can be a lot of headaches when it comes to managing your workforce within multiple construction sites/projects. One way to enhance the safety and productivity of your jobsite is by using digital onboarding & safety orientation software solutions.

Onboarding & safety orientation are critical processes within a project’s lifespan, so it’s important to make sure that avenue is secure.

Below, we will take a look at ways to streamline your onboarding & safety orientation process and the benefits that come after. 

How to streamline onboarding & safety orientation

Provide custom digital onboarding forms

Digital onboarding forms help automate the information gathering process at a large scale. If you have a lot of contractors for a job or location, you may want to look into removing any manual paperwork and providing your teams with customized digital onboarding forms.

You can customize what information you need from employees before they read the jobsite, so they are verified to work when needed.

Centralize, verify & manage licenses or certifications

With digital onboarding & safety orientation software, you can centralize documents and verify or gather licenses & certifications like OSHA for any project.

Every construction project is unique and may require a different set of credentials in order to move forward, so it is important to have a proper tool in place to support the business and processes managing paperwork. 

Add & update safety trainings or videos

With a dedicated platform, safety professionals can easily provide training and videos on the fly to new or existing employees. When there is a new project, every employee must go through proper training in order to work safely on the jobsite.

With onboarding and safety orientation software, you can easily add, replace and develop training videos for your program whenever you need.

Run fast background checks

Many requirements come with specific project types. For example, when working with any government-based project or education, background checks are a must for any employees working on campus. 

Having the ability to run fast background checks streamlines the verification process without the headaches of going back and forth. Many contractors utilize background checks but oftentimes do not incorporate them into their onboarding & safety orientation process.

Onboard & manage your workforce by trade

Due to the construction labor shortage, finding the right talent for the job can be difficult. The labor shortage will continue to burn a hole in many contractors pockets.

With digital onboarding & safety orientation software, contractors able to find and manage the right talent within the platform. Bring back any contractor that successfully completed their job from the past and build confidently knowing your team is ready.

Unlock automation through software solutions

Many companies still run on paper/pencil, which can lead to multiple inefficiencies and poor data management. Having the right software in place can help automate document gathering and allows management to know when certifications or licenses are due.

This a huge benefit to streamlining operational success. Many companies can utilize an open API to integrate with existing services.

Benefits of streamlining onboarding & safety orientation

There are multiple benefits that come when implementing the right technology for onboarding & safety orientation. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits construction companies are seeing today.  

  • Allows consistency & improves project efficiency 
  • Provides an extra layer of worker & jobsite security 
  • Enhances accessibility to information across multiple projects
  • Promotes cross department communication
  • Allows to repeat onboarding & safety training across multiple projects
  • Provides the ability to evaluate effectiveness across projects & workers
  • Reduces time spent on manual processes
  • Helps keep up with compliance standards

If you are looking for a simple software solution that can help streamline your onboarding & safety orientation, schedule a demo with Kwant. See how easy it is to implement onboarding & safety orientation software across any project. Learn how to get started with a free demo.

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