Webinar: IoT & AI to improve safety & productivity with DPR & Kwant

Explore the webinar 'IoT & AI to Enhance Safety & Productivity with DPR & Kwant,' where experts delve into the transformative potential of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in construction projects. 

Through an engaging dialogue between DPR representatives and Kwant developers, attendees gain invaluable insights into the hardware components utilized.

Our first speaker, Ankoor Amin, Innovation Leader at DPR Construction, brings over 19 years of experience in technology and construction. He excels in business analysis, product management, and process improvement, driving operational excellence. 

Our second speaker, Niran Shrestha, is the CEO and Co-founder of Kwant, specializing in IoT solutions for safety and productivity tracking. With a background in construction engineering and management, Niran has over a decade of experience leading innovation in projects exceeding $10 billion.

Throughout the webinar, the presenters covered several parts concerning the IoT and AI, such as data collection from construction sites and real-time monitoring. Kwant’s sensors and badges are used to track occupancy. The safety aspects, with practical examples of proximity alerts and SOS buttons, are also presented. They also looked at case studies and examples where Kwant AI and the resulting safety outcomes and productivity gains adopt these technologies.

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